A winter wonderland... sometimes I am a bit stumped when it comes to new nail art ideas so I poll my girls. This idea is courtesy of my 6 year old Gabriella!
1. Paint your nails with a good base coat to start
2. Paint your nails a blue color such as Essie Aruba Blue
3. On all fingers except the thumb of one hand, using a striper dipped in white polish, create "snowflakes". You will criss cross lines to form a snowflake.
4. With a dotting tool dipped in silver polish dot the center of the flake
5. To create your snowman, begin by painting a white tip, french style on the tip of your thumb. Then begin to create the snowman by making the body using a stippling motion. (doesn't have to be perfectly smooth circles...ads to the character)
6. Using a dotting tool with black polish make 3 buttons, eyes and a hat
7. Using a small dotting tool dipped in orange polish create a carrot nose
8. Using a red striper or a small dotting tool dipped in red polish create the snowman's flowing scarf
9. Protect your design with a good top coat (always remember to wait a bit before applying a topcoat...to avoid "drag" (smearing) of your design)
Feel free to post a comment below and ask questions...
Tools Used:
Dotting tool
Stripper brush (thin paint brush)
Regular polish bottle brushes
Pinterest: Pinterest...my nail art
Instagram: Instagram
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